Student Council


    The Student Council is an organization of elected student leaders which serves as the voice of the Brandywine High School students. They represent the students to the Brandywine School District Executive Board Meetings, Superintendent, Brandywine High School administrators and Parent Teacher Organization. The Student Council establishes a closer bond and communication among the Brandywine students, faculty, staff, and administration.


    The Student Council of Brandywine High School, strives to form an ideal community, ascertain integrity, ensure internal harmony, protect the interests of the students and faculty, and encourage the general wellbeing of Brandywine High School.


Student Council
  • Student Council Advisor(s): Mr. Holman & Mr. Vagnoni

    • President, Lola Fenning
    • Vice-President, Katherine Grant
    • Treasurer, Anna Fleury-Steiner
    • Secretary, Grace Towler


    You can find more information about the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes under the "Activities" channel at the top of the website.