Gifted Education Services in BSD
The Brandywine School District recognizes the rights of all students to an education that provides for maximum development of their academic potential. Students who show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of academic accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment may require support services which offer opportunities for acceleration and enrichment beyond those usually offered. Outstanding academic gifts and talents are present in children and youth from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.
In the Brandywine School District, gifted services are offered in specific schools for grades K-8. Students identified for gifted education attend the school listed for their grade level.
Grades K-3 Mount Pleasant Elementary School
Grades 4-5 Claymont Elementary School
Grades 6-8 P.S. duPont Middle SchoolMiddle School Gifted Information Night - November 16, 2023 - Click Here
Bus transportation is provided throughout the Brandywine School District for students receiving gifted education services regardless of their home feeder pattern. Teachers and counselors help students and families ease transitions between schools. Students may be recommended for gifted education services at any grade level and typically continue to receive gifted education services from year to year, provided they are meeting with success.
Please click here for information about referring a student for Gifted Education Services.
Goals of Gifted Education Services
BSD has identified three main goals for Gifted Education Services:
- A system for screening and identifying students. Districtwide screening includes methods to identify students from all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds in grades K-8.
- An evidence-based service model. BSD follows the Common Core Standards as the core curriculum. The framework for the development of curriculum for students receiving gifted services is the Parallel Curriculum Model.
- Monitoring to ensure all students are making learning gains. At the heart of the PCM is the notion that each learner should be challenged with incremental sophistication. Curriculum and instruction are designed to move the learner from present ground toward expertise in the subject matter. This expertise is developed over time with careful attention to the balance of challenges and support. Students receiving gifted education services will also be monitored for learning gains using standardized assessments, district common assessment and formative assessments designed to monitor learning gains in comparison to their grade level peers.
Click here for more information about the Parallel Curriculum Model.
- A system for screening and identifying students. Districtwide screening includes methods to identify students from all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds in grades K-8.