Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

  • What is MTSS?

    Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is an evidence-based framework for effectively using multiple systems and services to simultaneously address students' academic achievement, behavior, and social-emotional well-being. MTSS is also a strategy for improving outcomes for all students and for creating safe and supportive learning environments free of bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

    How is MTSS used in BSD?

    Brandywine School District will meet the needs of each student by developing and implementing an effective Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for academic and behavior needs. MTSS Academics (formerly known as Response to Intervention RtI) and MTSS Behavior (formerly known as PBIS) are defined as a whole-school, data driven, and prevention-based frameworks for improving learning outcomes for each student through a layered continuum of evidence-based practices.

    MTSS Foundation

    MTSS pyramid

    MTSS Tier Structure

    The framework of MTSS provides universal supports in Tier 1 using effective strategies and high-quality instructional practices. Targeted interventions are provided for groups of students identified as Tier 2. These are moderate in intensity and include small group intervention. Finally, Tier 3 interventions are used for targeted individuals in a more intensive, individualized manner.

    By focusing our energy on student needs and providing differentiated supports, all BSD students will achieve at higher levels. In each of our school buildings, we are equipped with a Tier 1 MTSS team as well as a team for Tier 2/3.

    If your child already receives services under IDEA or Section 504, those IEP or 504 teams will problem solve and create an intervention plan moving forward. Please call your child’s special education coordinator, SEC or 504 coordinator for assistance in setting up a meeting.

    Delaware's Vision for MTSS

    DE-MTSS is a framework designed to meet the needs of the whole child through an integrated, multi-level prevention system that optimizes team-based leadership and data-driven decision making to meet the academic and non-academic needs (e.g., behavioral, social and emotional) of all students. Educators provide high-quality, core academic instruction and non-academic practices as universal support to all children. School teams use a universal screening process to identify students who need additional help, and they deliver evidence-based interventions and supports that match student needs and are informed by ongoing progress monitoring and additional formative assessments.

    Regulations in Delaware

    The State of Delaware has embedded MTSS in the state regulations for many years. The 508 Regulations require implementing and sustaining an integrated multi-tiered system of support that addresses the needs of the whole child, in accordance with Delaware MTSS Regulation 508. This is done through MTSS Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports.

    MTSS Academics

    In Tier I, all students receive high quality curriculum and instruction in the general education classroom. The teacher assists all students through differentiated instruction.

    In Tier 2, students are referred to the school’s problem-solving team (PST). The PST team provides guidance around supplemental instructional support, usually in small groups, to students who need additional support to what they are receiving from the general curriculum. The problem-solving team will collect data and monitor progress.

    In Tier 3, students continue to be monitored through the problem-solving team, PST providing intense instructional support to the students with the greatest needs, with frequent data collection and progress monitoring.

    MTSS Behavior

    In Tier I, all students are explicitly taught positive behavioral expectations. All teachers use a consistent approach to discipline.

    In Tier 2, students are referred to the school’s problem-solving team (PST). The PST team provides supplemental targeted behavioral skill or relationship building interventions usually in small groups with data collection and progress monitoring.

    In Tier 3, students continue to be monitored through the problem-solving team, PST providing student centered planning is used to develop customized, individual interventions with frequent data collection and progress monitoring. These interventions are built on the data from tier 2 interventions.

    Supporting Your Student

    Parents play a critical role in supporting what their children are learning in school. Research shows that the more parents are involved in student learning, the higher the student achievement. Here are a few ways you can support your child and what they are doing in their school:

    • Make reading an everyday habit at home
    • Share information that may impact your child's success at school
    • Communicate with your child's teacher
    • Monitor homework assignments, even at higher grade levels
    • Designate a quiet place and time for homework
    • Ask for regular monitoring reports
    • Share your child's successes
    • Learn more about the curriculum and interventions being used in your child's school
    • Attend parent/teacher conferences and other school meetings about your child

    Questions Parents Can Ask

    • What curriculum is being taught in my child’s classroom?
    • What are the targeted interventions that my child’s school is using if he/she is struggling in the classroom?
    • How many weeks does my child’s school data collect and progress monitor?
    • How will I be informed of the progress my child is making?
    • What happens if an intervention is not working?
    • What social emotional learning does my child’ school teach with all students?
    • What kind of behavior interventions are used if my child is struggling?
    • Who is the problem-solving team lead in my child’s school?