• schoology


    Schoology is an online learning management system (LMS) that has all the tools a school needs to create engaging content, design lessons, and assess student understanding.Teachers, students and parents can access engaging content, assignments and other instructional materials anytime, anywhere on any device. Click on the link below to watch a video for more about Schoology.

    Explaining Schoology video

    The links below tell you how you and your student can begin using Schoology to expand your student’s learning and stay informed of the learning taking place at our school.

    While Schoology is our online learning management system, Classlink is our student portal, which contains all the items your student might need while working remotely, ie. Dreambox.  You can access classlink by going to https://classlink.bsd.k12.de.us 


  • Student Account for Schoology


    The student accounts for Schoology have been created automatically by the District and were distributed at the beginning of the school year.

    (It’s the card that they received in Homeroom with their lunch #.)

    All student accounts follow the same naming convention for their username and password.  You can change your password, by clicking on the change password link page on the left.


    Please call the BSD Technology Helpdesk at 302-529-3100 or talk to one of your student's teachers if your student is having trouble logging in to Schoology.


    The Schoology login websites are different for students and parents.

    STUDENT Schoology Login website is http://brandywine.schoology.com 

    PARENT Schoology Login website is http://www.schoology.com 

  • Parent Account for Schoology


    Parents must create a Schoology account before they can login.

     Please read the information below to create your Parent Account for Schoology.

    Create a Parent Account for Schoology

    To Create a Parent Account on Schoology, you will need to do 2 things:

    1. Get your Parent Access Code provided by the district*.

    2. Create your own account on Schoology (www.schoology.com) using your own email address.

    * The district will send you a letter with your student's access code with instructions on how to use it. Please call the BSD Technology Helpdesk at 302-529-3118 if you do not receive a letter.

    Create a New Parent Account

    If you don't already have a Schoology account,

    • Go to https://app.schoology.com/register.php or go to www.schoology.com
    • Click on the Sign Up button in the upper-right corner of the page.
    • Select Parent. 
    • Enter your Access Code and press the Continue button.  This code is given to you above and looks similar to this: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
    • Fill out the form with your information.
    •  Provide your name, email address and  password that you want to use to login to Schoology
    • Click Register to complete. 


    When you use a Parent Access Code to create an account, you will be automatically associated to that student on Schoology.

    You only need 1 Parent Access Code for each student. This code will give you access to all of your student’s classes on Schoology. 

    The Schoology login websites are different for students and parents.

    STUDENT Schoology Login website is http://brandywine.schoology.com 

    PARENT Schoology Login website is 

    To associate additional students in the Brandywine School District to your account, click on the Add Child button in your Schoology account.